
For those who have only experienced saunas in health clubs or hotels, it may not have been a satisfying experience. A traditional home sauna has unique characteristics.  A home sauna is a more personal experience and for some, it is imbued with ritual. The Finnish language has a powerful word for it, “Löyly.” The term “löyly” refers to the steam created when water is poured on hot sauna rocks. It is also known as the “spirit of life.” For Finns, the sauna is a traditional place of relaxation and rejuvenation, where one can take a break from daily stress and enjoy the company of loved ones.

Research has demonstrated that consistent use of a sauna can result in positive health outcomes including improved circulation and heart rate, pain management, stress reduction, enhanced cardiovascular health, and potential relief from asthma and psoriasis, despite the intense nature of dry or steam saunas.

Mile High Hot Tubs has some of the best saunas in the business.  Whether you love dry saunas or want a steam sauna we can help you.

Benefits from steam or dry saunas

Some benefits can be obtained whether you are using an infrared sauna or a steam sauna. Which one you use depends on your personal preference.

The high humidity in a steam room can provide hydration to the skin. Skin cells require water to survive, and steam can be beneficial for maintaining a healthy and moisturized appearance of the surface layers. However, it is important to apply a protective moisturizer after leaving the steam room to seal in the hydration. Dry air can draw moisture from the skin through osmosis, which will begin to happen as soon as you leave the steam room. If a serum or cream is not applied to the skin within 60 seconds after leaving a steam room, the moisture in the skin will evaporate, potentially leading to increased dehydration.

One advantage of using a dry sauna, such as an infrared sauna, is the improvement in circulation due to the heat. Oxygen and nutrients are transported to cells in the skin and body via the blood, playing a vital role in maintaining cellular metabolism and repair processes.

In Colorado, dryness is a major problem.  So for your steam or dry saunas Denver, contact Mile High Hot Tubs today.

Studies indicate that utilizing a sauna can promote relaxation and facilitate post-exercise recovery, and may potentially improve performance. During the study, male runners competed by running 5 km on a treadmill at their maximum speed, which took approximately 15 minutes, followed by a 30 minute session in a sauna. The athletes showed a 32% improvement in endurance after three weeks. The study suggest that sauna use may have contributed to this improvement by increasing their blood volume. Effect of post-exercise sauna bathing on the endurance performance of competitive male runners – Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport (

Visiting a sauna can lead to a feeling of relaxation throughout the body. This is the physiological response that occurs when the body experiences rapid cooling after exposure to the heat of a sauna.

The sauna can lead to the relaxation of muscles throughout the body. This process signals the brain that the body is prepared for sleep. It may pose a challenge to accomplish this task while dealing with stress, caffeine-related symptoms, or hormonal changes. Using a sauna for sleep instead of prescription drugs can be a viable option without any negative health consequences.

Research has shown that regular sauna use, whether dry or steam, can lead to a decrease in C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in the body, which is a significant indicator of inflammation in the bloodstream. These studies have suggested that reduced inflammation may be one of the reasons that frequent sauna bathing is associated with decreased risk of both short-term and long-term disease conditions.

Practices such as dry or steam saunas that temporarily elevate body temperature and thereby reduce inflammation can help people who have physical or cognitive issues that may stop them from doing physical exercise. Longitudinal associations of sauna bathing with inflammation and oxidative stress: the KIHD prospective cohort study – PubMed (

Ready to talk to one of our customer service experts about what sauna is right for you?  Contact us now!

Infared Saunas

Infrared saunas are a unique way to promote relaxation and detoxification. Unlike the traditional sauna that relies on hot air or steam to raise the temperature of the room, an infrared sauna uses infrared waves that penetrate your skin directly and heat your body from within. The benefit of this method is that it raises your core body temperature without having to overheat the environment around you. This in turn allows for sweat to be produced through an internal process rather than solely relying on higher external temperatures.

When using an infrared sauna, toxins such as heavy metals, chemicals, and pesticides can be eliminated from your body through perspiration. Additionally, this type of sauna has been known to improve circulation and reduce muscle pain caused by inflammation. Thanks to their ability to relax your mind and improve sleep quality, it is no surprise that many people around the world frequently utilize infrared saunas for better physical and mental health outcomes.

Our Health Mate Infrared Saunas

Health Mate’s patented dual wave Tecoloy mid and far-infrared heaters provide high-density heat, much safer than other infrared sauna heaters out there. Included are state of the art near-infrared LED panels that provide users with a safe, reliable, and comforting solution when looking for a full spectrum infrared sauna.  Health mate uses patented Tecoloy™ heating technology to bring you a vast array of benefits in addition to the benefits already listed above!

We have the highest quality infrared saunas Colorado!  Call us to discuss your options today!

Health Benefits of Infared Saunas

Infrared therapy, which utilizes infrared saunas, has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its numerous health benefits. Clinical studies show that exposure to infrared heat can improve circulation, reduce inflammation, improve skin and reduce body fat. A major advantage of an infrared sauna is that it raises the body temperature from within rather than just heating the air around you like a traditional sauna does. This enables your internal organs to receive increased blood circulation which helps speed up the detoxification process, allowing for better nutrient absorption and improved overall health. Additionally, deeper penetration of infrared light facilitates natural healing and relaxation; it helps release tension on muscles and give relief from aches and pains throughout the body.

The use of an infrared sauna is also great for stress relief due to its ability to heat a larger area of the body more efficiently than a traditional hot rock or steam sauna. It also uses lower temperatures than other types of saunas so those with cardiovascular weaknesses are able to tolerate a session without any negative effects on their health or well-being. By sitting in an infrared sauna regularly you can reduce fatigue while boosting immunity levels and promoting better sleep. In some cases, it may even help manage symptoms associated with various chronic conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Recreation Collection

Infrared saunas are becoming increasingly popular in Colorado for their potential health benefits. Studies have shown that regular use of an infrared sauna can help to boost cardiovascular health and reduce blood pressure. Within minutes of sitting in an infrared sauna, your body’s natural response begins. Beads of sweat appear on your skin. Your blood vessels widen and increase blood flow. Your heart rate ticks up. The physical response of a typical infrared sauna session has been compared to walking at a moderate pace which can help to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. In addition, infrared saunas have been shown to provide benefits to those with coronary risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and smoking Far-infrared saunas for treatment of cardiovascular risk factors – PMC (


Another method for combatting aging is to take advantage of infrared rays. This form of light therapy can help reduce inflammation and acne, dermal repair, boost collagen production, even out discoloration in skin tone and improve circulation – all helping give skin its elasticity boost for firmness against the onslaught of wrinkles. In turn, this gives the overall look of smoother looking skin with improved texture throughout. Studies show that implementing regular sessions with infrared light exposure helps eliminate fine lines while keeping the body feeling refreshed and light – giving people a glowing complexion that lasts longer than what other alternatives may provide. Effects of Infrared Radiation on Skin Photo-Aging and Pigmentation – PMC (

Weight Loss

Studies have shown that infrared saunas can aid in weight loss by raising heart rates and metabolism through the use of infrared rays. The resulting increase in body temperature leads to sweating and

A study done by the Journal of the American Medical Association (Sauna-Induced Body Mass Loss in Young Sedentary Women and Men – PMC ( found that just thirty minutes in an infrared sauna could produce ample calorie burning benefits. This research demonstrated that participants could burn as many as 600 calories simply by sitting in an infrared sauna session. When combined with healthy eating habits and regular physical activities like walking or jogging, time spent in a sauna may be just what you need to reach your weight-loss goals faster.

Ready to buy an infrared sauna for your home or just need more information?  Contact us and speak to one of our highly trained customer service personnel!

Steam Barrel Saunas

Some benefits can be obtained whether you are using an infrared sauna or a steam sauna. Which one you use depends on your personal preference.

Our Steam Sauna

The Bierstadt is our 4-person steam, barrel sauna. The barrel design is practical, sturdy, stylish, and allows for maximum heat circulation. In a barrel-shaped sauna, the heat gets circulated back down along the curved walls instead of pooling near the top, this creates a constant flow of evenly distributed heat throughout the sauna.

The Bierstadt is constructed using rustic cedar. The lumber is thick and insulating, making it the perfect sauna for outdoor (or indoor) use. For more information about the health benefits of steam saunas see below.

Read on for the health benefits of steam saunas!

One thing you can do to promote anti-aging is to ensure that your body releases sweat and toxins regularly. By releasing these natural elements, your body’s skin will become softer and firmer, leading to more youthful complexion over time. Sweating itself helps open pores and clear the skin of dirt, bacteria, oil and other impurities which lead to wrinkles and other signs of aging when left untreated. Regular exercise or activities such as yoga are an effective way to encourage sweating; this also has the added benefit of promoting better overall health and maintaining a healthy weight.

When you have a cold or bad allergies, one of the issues is a stuffed head and nose.  Doctors will often recommend trying to steam away these symptoms by either using a bowl of boiling water and a towel, or getting into a really hot shower and breathing the steam.  Either of these methods can work but present challenges, especially if you are trying to use them with children.  If you have a steam sauna however, you can more safely get the same benefits of using steam without having to worry about spilling boiling water on yourself!

A steam sauna can help with:

  • stuffy nose
  • headache
  • throat irritation
  • cough

Steam rooms create an warm moist environment that heats and coats the mucous mebranes in your nose and throat.  As you breath you also bring that warm moist air into your lungs and head which can break up congestion and ease coughs at least for a while. (_effect_of_steam_inhalation_on_nasal_mucociliary_clearance_in_normal_individuals_and_nasal_disease_sta.pdf (


Ready to buy your steam sauna or just want further information?  Call us today and speak to one of our knowledgeable sales personnel.

As you can see, there are a multitude of benefits from using either an infrared sauna or a steam sauna.  Regardless of your preference, Mile High Hot Tubs has a sauna for you. Contact us today to learn more about your options for a sauna.